Let me start by saying I’ve never been a fan of lacquer paints. The smell, and harmfulness to the user and the environment was a major no no for me. Especially with having to paint at my dining room table. But now that I have a dedicated hobby room, aka “the garage”, I decided to give them a try, and boy was I pleasantly surprised. (for this review I will just be covering the base colors)
Let’s start with price and availability. Price is really the only con. They are bit more expensive than your average price for acrylic paint, or even other lacquer. Best price I have found for them is about $5 USD for a 15ml (o.5 oz) bottle. Availability is a pro. I have found multiple suppliers in the US alone. So finding these paint will not be a problem.

Now let’s get down to the nitty gritty, why these paints are so awesome. They are made specifically for the hobbyist. They have a great concealing ability, bright colors that just seem to explode and smooth finishes. Spraying with an airbrush is so easy. Paint just goes on so nice and evenly. When applied on top of a primer, these paints are tuff to. After you add a top coat they are almost indestructible. “When diluting these paints make sure you use only a Gaia color thinning solution. They have one for each one of the series of paints they sell.”

Final verdict is that they are worth every penny. Yes, you still have to deal with the strong smell. But as long as you are well ventilated you will be fine. I recommend you give these paints a try, you will not be disappointed.