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Unboxing - Mega Size Unicorn (1/48)

A few days ago I was preparing for my midterms exam, also working on the #RoadTo20K Celebration when our good friend and sponsor at Canadian Gundam sent me an email telling me they had something for me to unbox, first look and review on its way in the mail.

2 days later the giant box arrived, I was not expecting that, as always Canadian Gundam has been really generous with the Network and sent me the Mega Size Unicorn. The Unicorn is one of my favorite design and I never built a Mega Size before so let's take a quick look at this beauty.

That box is enormous, it's barely fit in my lightbox

All that English make me feel good, Gunpla is getting more and more popular, good for us.

Well well well what do we have here, the fresh scent of brand new plastic!

Let's take a first look at the manual, again all in Japanese/English


First and only disappointment with this kit, the V fin is all goldish yellow. The back is suppose to be white but that is easily fixable with a paint of good old paint.

This is Runner E, beside it, it is my 1/100 Bawoo just to give you an idea of the scale of this monster

This is Runner J that come with a kind of plastic nipper that I do not feel comfortable of using

The psycho frame runner are more red thank the pinkish color they were on the Master Grade

Runner D

Runner F

Runner K1

I am pretty excited to be given the opportunity to build my very first Mega Size and even more excited that this is the Unicorn. I intend to do a full video Unboxing of the kit to properly show you all the Runners. I might even do a live build for this one before the review. Let me once more give a big shot out to my man Patrick from Canadian Gundam that send me this kit as a surprise.

If you are in this cold country we call Canada like I am, try to support your local store first to help expand the hobby from the West to the East. Buy your Mega Size Unicorn at Canadian Gundam 10$ Flat Shipping fee from Coast to Canadians Coast.

Now I have to go back working on my paper and get ready for my exam next week wish me luck!

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